Tuesday, September 27, 2011

School is officially started...

Our classes have started... and we're already loaded with tests and homework. Every day we have a test, whether it be a katakana quiz, vocabulary quiz, or kanji (the complex characters). On top of that, we have to study our listening, reading, grammar and kanji textbooks as well as complete any homework assigned that day. One of my classmates is complaining that they're giving us too much... and she's not even doing judo! For now, the classes are relatively easy for me. I've already learned most of what we're currently studying in my classes at the University of Winnipeg so it's a good review for me. And I don't mind it being easy for now, I'm sure things will get a lot more complicated as we continue learning.

In my opinion, we have the nicest teachers. When the teachers first introduced themselves during orientation, the teachers for class 7 were the most smiling ones. One in particular, Chiba sensei is so funny. She dances, sings, makes weird onomatopeia, and draws tons of cute sketches on the board during class. She cracks the whole class up.

I just learned that my roommate, Moe, will be going to study abroad in Canada in January! She had applied and just got the news today. Unfortunately I won't be there because I'll still be in Japan. And I'm sure I'll miss her. The other day we watched Black Swan together. If you ever want to see a strange and confusing movie, rent it. There are many things I didn't understand or only realized a few scenes later. Though there are some things that will remain unclear or unresolved to me, I loved Natalie Portman in it. She's an amazing actress (and born on the same day as me! : p) and she was perfect for the role of Nina.

While I'm on the topic, if you like to read, I'd recommend House Rules by Jodi Picoult. I'm currently reading it albeit at a very slow pace due to lack of time but I love it. I could probably read it in one sitting if I had such a luxury. My mom can agree with me on that. The story is about a teen, Jacob, who has Asperger's syndrome. Socially he has difficulty fitting in with other kids his age but ask him about anything concerning forensic analysis and he won't stop talking. But somehow, Jacob gets involved in a murder in his small hometown and what follows in an investigation to try to find the murderer and possibly uncover a terrifying truth: Is Jacob responsible for the murder?

I'm only about halfway, so I can't tell you how it ends. But I highly recommend it. I also recommend any book by Jodi Picoult. This is the second one I read from her, the first being My Sister's Keeper which I also loved and brought with me to Japan to reread. I know, I'm a bookworm. ; )

Don't have much more to say for now. I've had two judo practices so far and one weight training session. I think I surprised many during the weight training with my technique and the weights I used. Some came to ask me the maximum weight I could squat lol. I couldn't tell them because all the weights here are in kg instead of lbs. It's really great to have access to a gym again. It's almost like a second home to me. And it's interesting to see how many exercises are also being done in Japan, for example strapping the gui on to the lat pulldown machine to do lat pulldowns. Maybe I'll be able to share with them some exercises I did back in Canada. We'll see : )

Have to get started on my homework now, so off I go. I'll try to post again soon. Ja mata! (until next time)


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