Monday, February 13, 2012

Why is everyone but me going to Canada...?

It seems that Canada is the place to be now. My previous roommate, Moe, is currently in Canada studying English. And tomorrow, the third-year students at Tokai Judo are going to Vancouver, B.C. to take part in the Pacific International Invitational tournament. I really wish I could go with them...  but I'm afraid that if I did go to Canada, and got to see my brother (who will be fighting in the same tournament) and other teammates, I wouldn't want to come back : P. If I were in Canada right now, instead of studying in Japan, I would be fighting the girls from Tokai. I'm kind of curious to know what would have happened. I fight with them at practice but a tournament is completely different.

Before leaving, a lot of the girls asked me what kind of souvenirs they should bring back from Canada. And even though I am Canadian, I found it hard to answer. Aside from maple products, what is Canada known for? I checked Wikipedia, and listed under Canadian cuisine, you can find butter tarts and poutine. Butter tarts are good but poutine? I have never eaten a poutine in my life and I don't have the intention to either. And it's not really something you can bring back with you on a plane anyways. So I called upon the great power of Facebook... (do not underestimate the power of social networking websites) and wrote as my status: Does anybody have any ideas for good souvenirs to bring back from Canada? The girls at Tokai University are going to Canada and they've been asking me what they should bring back. Any ideas? (other than maple products).

And I was surprised at the many answers I received: Canada Dry Ginger Ale, ice wine, chocolate loonie/twoonie coins, salmon jerky, blueberry chocolates, Roger's chocolates, and many others. So I was able to give these suggestions to the Japanese girls. I'm also keeping them in mind for when I go back to Canada because I haven't tasted most of those things. I'm really excited to talk with the judo girls after they return. I'm interested in knowing what they think of Canada and Canadians. I'll let you know what they say : )


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