Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Under the influenza

At practice today, there were about 8 - 10 girls missing because they either have the influenza or a cold. Apparently, every year there are some cases of influenza but it's worse this year. And it doesn't discriminate: 1st years, 2nd years, 3rd years; there are some members missing in every year. So far, apart from the small cold I had earlier in December, I've been perfectly fine. Maybe it's because I always wear my tuque. In fact, it's not just a tuque, but THE tuque : P My grandmother wrote to me to tell me to always wear something to cover my ears, even though it may not be fashionable. I still remember, back in high school, when it was considered uncool to wear a tuque. I never followed that trend. Personally, I think my tuque is very fashionable lol. Maybe I'm the only one but I'm okay with that. And so is my health.


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