Thursday, November 17, 2011

Some things take some getting used to

Boy is it tough to wake up early in the morning to go to practice. I don't think you ever get used to that. This morning, practice was at 6:45, which means I have to wake up around 6 in order to get dressed and also to prepare my bag and lunch for school because I usually have little time left between practice and class. And I'm lucky that I live right behind the dojo. The other girls have to bike 15 minutes just to get to the dojo, so I shouldn't be complaining. But I can tell you, there are often times when I just want to shut my alarm and go right back to sleep...

At least my schedule doesn't bother my roommate. In fact, I could say I practically live alone because I hardly see my roommate. I wake up early in the morning to go to practice. She's still sleeping when I go to class. At night, I'm usually asleep by 11 o'clock. She has a part-time job so she often gets back around 12 and then studies a bit before going to sleep. At least we both are sound sleepers so I don't wake up when she comes in late. And she isn't the least bothered by any sound I make as I'm getting ready in the morning. So we get along quite nicely ; )

I'm still getting used to being called Sayuri. I still hesitate when people ask me my name sometimes. My first instinct is to say France but then I remember that I also have a Japanese name, Sayuri. In Japan, it's much easier for people to remember Sayuri. Although they often are surprised to hear my name. An explanation about my family background almost always follows suit. I expect that I'll have the opposite problem when I return to Canada. When people will ask for my name, I'll answer "Sayuri". : p

Finally checked out the campus library today. I wanted to see if they had any English novels or Japanese language resources. It seems they might have a few English books, but I have a feeling they only have the classical novels, like 1984 by George Orwell. But I found a great little section of Japanese textbooks, Japanese novels translated in English, some Japanese cookbooks (in English!) and a ton of children's books. The children's books will be perfect for me lol. The vocabulary and grammar aren't too complicated so I should be able to read them. And of course, there have some nice pictures ; )

Off to study some kanji characters and some vocabulary for tomorrow. Oyasuminasai!


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