Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Morning rush

For the first time, I was late to practice. This morning we had a skills practice at 7:00 AM. I set my alarm clock for 6:00. But occasionally, it happens that I'll shut the alarm off (still half-asleep and not yet thinking rationally). Many of you have probably had the same experience. So that's what happened this morning. I shut the alarm off and went back to sleep... only to wake up at 6:55!!! Ahh!!! I have never gotten dressed and ready for judo so fast in my life. Thankfully the dojo is only a 5 min walk away from my dorm (this morning, it was more like a 2 min sprint). So I was only 5 minutes late. Still, being on time is important for me and especially important in the Japanese culture. And perhaps even more so when it comes to a sports club. So I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Anonymous said...

Well, it might be a good thing to be late once in a while. It will show that even though you're an alien... you're also human! ;-)

France said...

I'm human?? :p I might have forgotten if you hadn't reminded me. Right now, I feel more like a machine ;)

Anonymous said...

A well-oiled machine, if I may say so. - Agloral

David: how do you post under your name? It just doesn't work for me.

David said...

I guess to respond to the question, I have to show exactly how far behind I am in reading this blog... I set up a Blogger account so I could follow France's blog in Google Reader (which I have obviously failed in doing), so it knows my name and posts it for me.

While I'm at it - France, I definitely know what it's like to shut off the alarm then fall asleep, I've been late or almost late multiple times for that reason (or because I set the alarm to pm instead of am by accident, I hate that). At least you didn't do what I did a few times in my second year in Brandon, which was to wake up halfway through a class (usually Music Theory or Aural skills, so it wasn't that big a deal, the classes were generally not as helpful as the once-per-week free tutoring sessions anyway). When that happened, I generally didn't go to class... oops :P

David said...

Hmm... I was wrong. I had to select a profile from the drop-down menu "Comment as."

France said...

You know, I was thinking how missing class might make us bad students but the difference between us and bad students is that we feel guilty for missing class lol

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