Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lost... and found!

When you lose something in a public place, the odds of finding it are usually slim. But in Japan, I think those odds are much better. I've heard stories of people forgetting their wallet in a department store and then going back a few days later and it's still there. In Japan, there is a well-built system. When someone finds something, they usually bring it to the nearest police station, who will then either contact the owner (if a name is written) or wait till the owner contacts them. When you find something in Canada, there is no particular place for lost things.

The other day I lost my bicycle key. It's attached to a little magnet key holder. I don't really have a designed place for it, so it alternates between my jacket pocket, my lunch box, or a little satchel. Anyhow, at the end of the day as I came to unlock my bike, I realized I didn't have my key. I retraced my steps but it was nowhere to be seen. I immediately went to the 8th building's (where I take all my classes) office to ask if a key had been delivered today but they told me there hadn't been any key delivered that day. So I walked back home.

I have a spare key so it wasn't a problem really. Unlike a friend I know who lost both her spare key and her key because they were on the same keyholder (really defies the meaning of spare key, doesn't it), being smart I kept mine in my desk at the residence (says the girl who thought she was a genius when she found a method to never forget her locker combination: post it IN my locker). My brother will never let me live that one down.

I really wanted to find that original key. If I ever lost the spare key as well, then I would be in trouble. And since my brother will probably be using my bicycle in three years time, AND because my brother often loses things, I thought it best to have at least two keys. So I was going to go make a copy later this week, just in case.

However, today, I went to check out the office on the third floor of Building #1 because I was told to take a look there. And it was there!!! In a box, kept in a locked glass case, along with other things that had been found that week. I think I freaked out the office lady because I was just so happy to have found it. I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I probably wouldn't find it... but I did!


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