Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Believe it or not (I didn't believe it at first), it snowed in Tokyo!!! Apparently it's pretty rare but I was pretty happy : ) I had prepared myself for a snowless winter. But, yesterday I believe it was, I woke up to see snow outside my window. First thing I did was get dressed and rush out to take some pictures. Which I am glad I did because the snow was very short-lived. By the end of the day, most of it had already melted away. But I still have proof!

This is (was) the soccer field

My usual gear: I think everyone on campus knows who I am thanks to this hat.
"Oh look, here comes the Canadian girl!" lol

These pictures are taken with my new camera sent to me all the way from Canada by my parents. It's a lot lighter, in fact so light in comparison to my other camera that I always feel I'm going to drop it. But the definition is soo much better. I think I had around 4.0 mega pixels with the old one, and this one is around 16.0 mega pixels. Which makes for greater pictures but they also take a lot more disk space... and more time uploading on to the blog. I'm not exactly sure what the space alloted for this blog is, but if I happen to max it out, I'll probably just create another one. Don't worry, I won't stop writing!

I also made tacos yesterday, as you can see in the picture above. They only have the hard taco shells here which I don't really like, but hey, I wanted to make some tacos so I had to make do with what I had. Quite yummy : )


Papa said...

Il y avait 2,600 accidents d'auto hier à Tokyo à cause de la neige.

Mamoru Vincent Blais-Shiokawa said...

HAHAHA... scuse mais 2,600 accident... I WANT TACO!

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