Friday, January 20, 2012

Exam week!

The first semester is finally coming to an end. Today was our last Japanese class for the semester. Exams start next week!

Our exam is divided into different parts. We have lecture and comprehension, listening comprehension, written composition, oral comprehension (we have to prepare a speech and be ready to answer some questions), vocabulary, kanji, and finally grammar. Probably the hardest for me is listening comprehension. Compared to when I first arrived, I have definitely improved but it still remains one of the hardest things for me. Because sometimes, I can concentrate and listen as attentively as I can and I still won't understand what's being said.

Probably the easiest part is the grammar. I'm pretty good at remember grammar rules so up until now I've fared well on that component. Thanks to my great memory, memorizing vocabulary words and kanji characters has also been fairly easy. But now, instead of being quizzed on only a limited of number of words and characters pertaining to the chapter we're working on, we are being tested on ALL the vocabulary and kanji characters we've learned since the beginning of the semester. So it's a lot more challenging. And I better get on it. Off to study now! Heads up: I probably won't be updating my blog until exams are over. After that don't worry, you'll be hearing lots from me : ) Wish me luck!


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