Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas to all!

Finally, Christmas is here! The week seemed to drag by so slowly... both classes and judo. Now, I get to rest a bit. But of course, our teachers gave us some homework to do over the holidays. It seems they don't really understand the definition of "holiday" or "winter break". So we have some reading, listening, writing, and grammar homework to do. What a nice present ; )

It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me. Usually, I get so excited during this time of year because I've bought some presents I know the receivers will love and I can't wait to see their reactions when they open them. And of course, I like to open my own presents. But more than that, no matter what's going on around us, my family always spends Christmas together. We go to church at midnight, we eat some delicious hors-d'oeuvres, and then we open our presents. I do feel a bit homesick. I wish I could be back home right now. I hope the tree has been put up by now. Every year, I'm usually the one who finally decides to take the time to put up and decorate the tree in our living room. And last I heard, it hadn't been put up yet. Vincent, get on it! : P

But thankfully, I won't be alone on Christmas day. Tomorrow, I'm going over to my Japanese family's home, where I'll be spending the holidays. I'm looking forward to seeing them again. It's been a long time. We have a lot to catch up on. And now that my Japanese has improved a lot, conversations should be a bit more interesting.

So to everyone reading, I wish you a Merry Christmas. Drive safely and enjoy this special time with the most important people in your life. And to my family: JOYEUX NOËL! JE VOUS EMBRASSE FORT! XOX


maman said...

Joyeux Noël ma chérie! Que l'esprit des Fêtes soit avec toi. Calins.

Anonymous said...

I know... I'm late... but... Happy New Year for you!!
I'm writing your new years resolution for you:
1 - become fluent in Japanese;
2 - improve my tai-otoshi;
3 - improve my gripping game
4 - go back to Canada and become Canada #1 in the next 2 years;
5 - bring lots and lots presents to me... me.. not you.. me!!

Have a great 2012!! ;)
You know its me :D

France said...

Hmmm... numbers 1-4 are already on my list... but I'm not as sure about number 5... What's in it for me? :p
P.S. your resolution: workout! on the judo mats!

Anonymous said...

It's on my list too :) but there is an observation "not sure when it will happen..."

France said...

I'll help you with that: It should happen in the next year! Think that's possible? ;)

Anonymous said...

mmm.. depends... maybe...mmm.. need to think about it...

David said...

Arg, I had a bunch of homework over Christmas break too... but that's mostly because my profs were on strike for 45 days in October/November, and during that time I had no motivation to do homework so I fell behind. Of course, being a music student, I always have practicing to do anyway...

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