Friday, January 27, 2012

School's out for spring!

Officially done classes as of yesterday. All my tests went very well and were surprisingly pretty easy. My lowest mark, as I expected, was my listening comprehension, but I still finished with great grades. So I'm pretty satisfied with this first semester. I learned a lot of new vocabulary, grammar, kanji, and I improved my reading, speaking, and listening skills. On top of that, I now know the campus and its surroundings and I understand the train system fairly well, so I'm able to go pretty much anywhere I want to.

Now, it's spring break in Japan. In Canada, our spring break lasts about a week only but here in Japan, we get two months off. But I'm going to keep studying Japanese every day. It's a bit harder to do on your own of course because there's no teacher helping or pushing you to learn. But next semester, I really want to get into a much a higher class so I'm organizing my own Japanese study class : P And, on top of that, our teachers gave us a lovely present for the spring break: homework! Yay!!! lol so I won't be stopping my Japanese language studies completely.

Here's a video taken from Youtube I found was fitting for this time of year : Haru yo koi  (Spring, come!) It's a pretty famous song in Japan, sung by Yumi Matsutoya.


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