Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cleaning with a purpose

So I just learned that my new roommate's luggage will be arriving this Saturday (Feb 4th) and the roommate herself will be moving in next Tuesday (Feb 7th). Her name is Anzu Funayama and as you probably guessed by the name, she is Japanese. Which is good for me because I get to practice my Japanese : )

Since my last roommate left, my belongings kind of slowly made their way on to the other unused bed. I like to spread out because I think I am a bit claustrophobic. I don't like having lots of papers or objects cluttered on my desk because it prevents me from thinking clearly and working effectively. So instead of putting things away, I've been putting them on the other bed instead. But now, I have to clear that bed for the new roommate.

I think humans are wired to work more efficiently when there is a deadline or a certain incentive to get the job done. Before I learnt that my new roommate was coming, I had started to clear up the other bed but was doing so very slowly. I wasn't in any rush. But now, because there is actually someone coming, I've accelerated my pace lol. I now have only a few papers to put in order. My side of the room is pretty much all used up. All my shelves and closet space are being used. It's really amazing how much you can accumulate in just a short amount of time.

I'm excited to meet my new roommate. The room feels a bit empty ever since my previous roommate left. Hopefully we'll get along. There's always this fear when you meet someone for the first time, whether or not you'll get along with the other person. And because we'll be living together in the same room for almost half a year, it's much better if we do happen to get along. I'll keep you posted!


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