Friday, July 27, 2012

Only two months left

It's finally been decided, I'll be flying back home at the beginning of October. That's still two months away but I've already started to put my things in order. Since I came (in Sept 2011), I've bought a lot of books, some new clothes, shoes, pots and pans, etc. So there's a lot to take care of before I leave. Things like pots and pans, dishes, etc., I'll be leaving at the dorm for the new students who are arriving. I'll be giving my bike to my roommate who has coincidentally just lost hers a few weeks ago. I'll try to sell my rice cooker because it's still in pretty good condition and I've barely used it. Right now, I'm going through all my papers and homework to see what I should take back with me to Canada. I'm only allowed two luggages on the plane so I have to plan carefully so that everything fits.

Today, I also sent a box to Canada by boat. In the box are some judo gis, some books and some homework. It takes about 2-3 months to arrive so I'll probably get home before the box does.

Homeward Bound

I also won't have much time to pack. These two last months are crammed with trips and projects. Sunday, I'm going to visit Nikko with my grandmother, my uncle and his family. Then I'll go spend a bit of time in Yaita where my grandmother lives. Then, back to Tokyo where I'll stay at my dad's aunt's place. She's found a place where I can try on a kimono and get my picture taken. We'll probably also go visit the Ueno Zoo again to try to see the pandas (we weren't able last time). Then, I'm off to a one-week training camp in Tsumagoi, in the Gunmaken Prefecture.

At the end of August, I'm going to climb Mt. Fuji with my roommate. The next day, we're taking the night bus to Hiroshima to visit the Peace Memorial Museum. We'll also go visit the famous floating gate in Miyajima. I'm also planning to visit Hokkaido (the north island) at the end of September. I really want to make the most of these last two months.

I'll be uploading some nice pictures in the next weeks to come. However, there might be long periods of time between my posts because I'll be away and unable to use my laptop. But don't forget to come back and check for new updates! : D


Mamoru Vincent Blais-Shiokawa said...

Go all out and have fun!

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