Saturday, February 25, 2012

The scoop on Canada : The Tokai girls' impressions and thoughts

The girls who fought in Canada just came back yesterday and they were at practice today. They had lots of stories about what they did in Canada. It was great to know what they thought of Canada and Canadians. Are you ready to hear what they think? Don't worry, they had nothing but good things to say. Here are some of the things they told me:

- "Canadians are so nice" : the girls were helped by the cashiers when they didn't know how to pay with Canadian money, people held doors open for them, and Canadians were just overall very nice.

- "Everything is so cheap!" : they were shocked to find 1$ melons at the supermarket. In Japan, they cost only about 20$. Clothes were cheap, foods at the supermarket were cheap... I agree with them. Compared with Japan, pretty much everything in Canada is cheaper.

- "Everything is so big!" : They were amazed to see the size of food products in the supermarket. Big ice cream jars, 4L apple juice containers, and huge pieces of meat. They even asked me how one person eats all that lol. I assume people make use of their freezer and refrigerator. : P

They also had their first encounter with a skunk... or rather smelling one. And seeing rabbits jumping around. And it's not as cold in Vancouver as it is in Japan now. Canada is a lot colder than Japan, but the Canada's west coast is a lot warmer. If they went a bit more east, they would experience the true Canadian cold.

They also met my brother at the tournament. Everyone said we look a lot alike. They knew right away it was him because of the resemblance. They found him well-dressed, cool-looking, and they're positive he's going to find himself a girlfriend when he comes to study in Japan in a few years. I'm afraid of that too ; )

The girls all loved their experience so much that they want to visit Canada again. Usually after graduating, students go on a trip together so they're already thinking of using that opportunity to go back to Canada. I felt very proud of my country today as they told me their stories. Way to go Canadians!


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